All Categories - Blindspotting
If we don't hear the whispers, we get hit by the screams. I felt the snow pack settle weirdly...
How can I be better this year than I was last? Every year, at this time of year, for the past...
It's easy to be slaves of our more primitive and unconscious patterns of thinking, feeling and...
Are you experiencing some version of frustration, annoyance, confusion or anxiety? I might have...
This autumn was the 30th anniversary of the precise moment I fell in love with my spouse:...
Traditional methods of screening job candidates do not always accurately identify poor fit. ...
there is a huge battle raging for the heart and soul of commerce and culture in the new world ...
We experience events as positive or negative based on the perspective we take. Helen Keller...
Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.* ...
The best philanthropy is not just an obligation to some social duty but an opportunity. The best...
Many of my problems are of the first world kind. Maybe many of yours are too. When my midlife...
I believe there is a potential happy marriage of articial intelligence and human intelligence. ...
There's no bad weather only bad clothing choices. There're no bad business conditions only bad...
What we once saw as mental or emotional flaws in people are now the source of a rich kind of...
Lever design is a method for developing competitive advantage with limited resources. Michael...
Every leader is on the spectrum from pragmatist to optimist depending on the relationship and...
We are all learning how to play the big game of life and business. Not everything we try works...
People don't always need to leave in order to quit. Sometimes they just don't join the cause. ...
Here's my new year's "tradition". I've decided to coin a new word at the start of every year...
"You are never going to walk again." No one wants to hear those words, especially a fit...